Vinifera 2022: Spring time for artisanal wines
Vinifera 2022: Spring time for artisanal wines

Vinifera 2022: Spring time for artisanal wines

Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th March Vinifera, the market exhibition dedicated to wines from the Alps, returned to Trento Fair in its fourth edition with over 130 artisanal wines and producers from all the Alpine regions such as Italy, France, Austria, Switzerland and Slovenia. The French association Vignerons de Nature has also participated to Vinifera as a guest with the biodynamic wines of the local producers.

Organic and biodynamic winemaking practices plays a pivotal role in the care of mountain areas in Italy, due to the harsh conditions in which it is carried out. From all these unique producers I heard tales of strength, passion and tenacity behind the labels of their boutique wines, discovering wineries far from spotlight but truly genuine and responsible towards the environment.

Finally, an important initiative should be noted: the WHU fundraising! We Wanna Help Ukrainians! born to help refugees from the Ukrainian war and the civilian population in difficulty. All the proceeds from the Vinifera merchandising sold at the fair were donated to charity to the Cultural Association of Ukrainians in Trentino - RASOM Aps, together with the donations collected during the events of the Forum that took place throughout the month of March and the spontaneous donations that will come collected during the Market Exhibition.
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